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2019年浙江自考《国际商务英语》试题复习 (一)

2019-01-22 14:04来源:浙江自考网

2019年浙江自考《国际商务英语》试题复习 (一),由浙江自考网整理,供考生复习。


International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. It involves more factors and thus is more complicated than, domestic business.


Visible trade refers to exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in an-other.


Foreign direct investments of FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country.


GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.


With mutually complementary economy, Japan and China are major trade partners, and the two countries are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water. Sino-Japanese relations are therefore of great importance to both countries.


Sharing a very long common border along which most of the Canadian people live, Canade and the United States, with their respective rich market, enjoy the largest single bilateral trade in the world.


Its executive body is the European Commission composed of 20 commissioners overseeing 23deaprtments in charge of different affairs.


Despite internal contradictions and cornpetition from non-OPEC oil producing countries, the influence on oil prices by OPEC that accounts for 40% of the global oil production is something the world cannot afford to neglect.


Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation(APEC) has caught more and more attention for the past decade, especially in China since the country is playing an active role it.


Wide geographical spread is characteristic of MNEs. It enables them to have a wide range of options in terms of decision-makings on sourcing and pricing. They are also more able to take advantage of changes in the international economic environment.


Technology, capital and ready markets are sort of benefits MNEs bring to less-developed countries. They are considered to be the most effective vehicle for the promoting of global and national economic welfare.


According to the comparative advantage, a country can benefit from trade if only it has a comparative advantage, not absolute advantage, in producing certain product.


The advantage of trade are based on the theory of comparative advantage, where each country produces a particular product more efficiently than another. Ideally, each country focuses re-sources on producing its specialty, and then trades with one an-other.


To summarize, the theory of international specialization seeks to answer the question which countries will produce what goods, with what trade patterns among them.


The most-favored nation treatment is not really a special treatment but a normal trading status. The favored country is given the lowest tariffs only within the tariff schedule.


Invisible trade is also called service trade. In some developed countries, the invisible trade has taken quite a large share in their gross domestic production.


If, when drawing up their contract, buyer and seller have some commonly understood rules to specifically refer to, they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely.


Particular problems arise when the seller has to present a negotiable transport document and notably the bill of lading which is frequently used for the purpose of selling the goods while they are being carried.


The 2000revision of Incoterms took account of the spread of customs-free zones, the increased use of electronic communication, and the change in transport practices.


Written negotiations often begin with enquires made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered including all the terms of trade.

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