1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D
6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. D 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B
16. 过剩 17. 经济互助委员会
18. 优先地位 19. 国家机器
20. 生产力 21. 排他性合同
22. 国营企业 23. 湿货市场
24. 特许经营人 25. 进口配额制度
26. customs duty 27. barter
28. foreign exchange reserve 29. preferential rate
30. stock market 31. closing price
32. brokage 33. convertible notes
34. main supplier 35. exchange rate
Passage 1
36. It means to make great efforts..
37. It refers to the advancement of technology.
38. What’s meant is that, it’s those things mentioned above that has made Korea a rising world trade power and able to compete with countries like the U.S. and Japan in the international market.
Passage 2
39. International Monetary Fund
40. Falling export demand, lower commodity prices and financial constraints have led to the recession of economic growth in the developing countries such as China, India, the Middle East and Brazil.
41. It means to decrease.
42. T 43. F 44. F 45. F 46. T
47. T 48. F 49. T 50. F 51. T
52. 对有兴趣投资股票市场的人来说,最重要的是他们应该忽略市场时机,长期地购买股票。这种策略简单而有效,因为从长远来说股票可以提供不错的回报。