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2013-08-09 10:12来源:浙江自考网
1. In order to ______ to life in the wild, he has to learn how to hunt.
A. effect                       B. adopt
C. adapt                        D. enter
2. If you have high blood pressure, you should ______ eating too much salt.
A. escape                       B. suggest
C. avoid                        D. relieve
3. In some countries skilled workers can still get high ______.
A. wages                        B. income
C. salary                       D. money
4. I have always thought very ______ of him.
A. highly                       B. better
C. well                         D. excellent
5. Every part of a new car should be carefully checked before ______.
A. assembly                     B. combination
C. application                  D. input
6. The manager will ______ the new department store before it is open.
A. check                        B. assure
C. approve                      D. guard
7. He had waited so long that he became ______.
A. impatient                    B. patient
C. quiet                        D. reserved
8. Scientists have recently ______ suggestions for a complete reform in our eating habit.
A. taken out                    B. put forward
C. set out                      D. brought about
9. We were ______ whether our car could climb the hill.
A. doubtful                     B. sure
C. certain                      D. believable
10. The salesman made a large ______ from selling fashionable shoes.
A. income                       B. advantage
C. benefit                      D. profit
11. The manager is so busy that he can hardly ______ a day away from work.
A. waste                        B. pay
C. afford                       D. spare
12. Television keeps us informed about ______ events and the latest developments in science and politics.
 A. fashionable                 B. excited
C. popular                      D. current
13. Come at your ______ because I will be in the office all the time.
A. diposal                      B. rate
C. proposal                     D. convenience
14. ______, many workers who have been laid off are the victims of the bad management in the company.
A. Hardly                       B. Undoubtedly
C. Directly                     D. Generally
15. A direct tax is ______ in such a way that the percentage of tax grows greater as the tax payer’s income grows.
A. directed                     B. arranged
C. set                          D. needed
16. Radio ______ to communicate with ships at sea.
A. first used                   B. had first been used
C. was first used               D. had first used
17. You are really incompetent! It ______ hours ago.
A. should be finished           B. must be finished
C. must have finished           D. should have been finished
18. He was seen ______ the car at high speed on the highway.
A. drive                        B. to drive
C. driven                       D. drives
19. The coffee was too hot ______ to drink.
A. to him                       B. of him
C. for him                      D. on him
20. A: I’ll pay you by cheque monthly.
B: I’d rather you ______ me cash weekly.
A. pay                          B. will pay
C. are to pay                   D. paid
21. Whatever you do and ______ you go, you can encounter pain.
A. however                      B. wherever
C. whenever                     D. whichever
22. ______ was discussed before, copper is seldom used in its pure form except in the electrical industry.
A. That                         B. Which
C. What                         D. As
23. ______ coal, the most important natural fuels are gas and oil.
A. Except for                   B. Except
C. Apart from                   D. Beside
24. At the meeting some were in favor of my proposal; ______ were not.
A. other                        B. the other
C. the another                  D. others
25. ______, it is quite easy to burn a hole in it with laser.
A. Hard is as the diamond       B. Hard as the diamond is
C. As hard the diamond is       D. Hard as is the diamond
26. The more complete telephone services become,______.
A. the demand of them the more grow    B. the more the demand for them grows
C. the more grows the demand of them   D. the demand for them the more
27. Hardly had he begun to speak ______ the audience interrupted him.
A. then                         B. than
C. as                           D. when
28. Please remind me of the appointment again tomorrow ______ I forget.
A. in the case                  B. in case
C. in the case of               D. in case of
29. We have been good friends ______ we met three years ago at a party.
A. as                           B. since
C. after                        D. when
30. Let’s work hard and pass the exams, ______ ?
A. will we                      B. don’t we
C. shall we                     D. aren’t we
二、改错 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
下面句子中有 A,B,C,D四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。
31. The possibility of government’s lighten taxes relies on an increased income of the country.
A              B          C             D
32. If electronic computers were not used, it would have taken her a long time to solve the              A                        B                                C         D
complicated problem.
33. In industry television cameras are used to watch processes in places which it will be        A                       B                                C
dangerous for a human to be present.
34. With the development of programming come the introduction of television in full color in   A                                B                               C
35. Despite of the widespread early use of wool and linen, cotton is the most important source of A                    B                                 C
man’s clothing.
36. Of course, it is the people whom buy these imported things who really have to pay the duties, A                        B         C
in the form of higher prices.
37. He wrote down my telephone number in the notebook for fear that he forget it.
A                       B              C          D
38. He was caught in a traffic jam and by the time he reached the airport his friend’s plane       A           B                        C
had already been taken off.
39. She likes to take a walk in the park, it is pretty good for a woman of 75.
A             B        C          D
40. It’s necessary that an efficient worker accomplishes his work on time.
A           B               C               D
  When you read to learn English composition, you  41  regard the language as the main thing.
  When you read a story in English, do you read it for the story or for the English? This is a question that is not so foolish  42   it may seem,  43  I find that many students of English   44   far more attention to the story  45   to the English. They read and enjoy and for a long time afterwards remember the story, but do not   46   to study the use of words and phrases in it. For instance, they know the plot of the story   47 , but do not remember a   48   sentence in the story and cannot  49  what preposition is used before or   50   a certain word in the speech of a certain character.
Of course, it is all right to read and enjoy and remember a story, and so long as one   51 
to know the story only, one need not  52   about the language. But the case is quite different     53   a student of English. I mean a student of English as distinguished from a reader of stories or   54   is called the general reader. As you may have   55   from the above, a student of English should read very carefully and regard the language as the main thing.
41. A. ought      B. need           C. would         D. ought to
42. A. that       B. as             C. than          D. as if
43. A. for        B. when           C. while         D. therefore
44. A. take       B. gain           C. put           D. pay
45. A. due        B. than           C. thanks        D. rather
46. A. care       B. dream          C. stop          D. expect
47. A. in heart   B. from mind      C. by heart      D. to mind
48. A. single     B. simple         C. long          D. compound
49. A. tell       B. say            C. speak         D. talk
50. A. under      B. after          C. over          D. behind
51. A. does       B. wants          C. wishes        D. fails
52. A. concern    B. bring          C. study         D. bother
53. A. of         B. from           C. with          D. against
54. A. which      B. what           C. that          D. it
55. A. arrived    B. secured        C. thought       D. gathered

Passage 1

  As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.
  Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing as it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation(动力) and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.
  The amount of stress a person can stand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress and such personal qualities are obviously important to managers. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between “flight or fight” and in early days the choices made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress is, it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Such serious conditions as high pressure and heart diseases have established links with stress. Since we cannot remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.
56. People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because ______.
A. they do not know how to enjoy themselves
B. they do not believe that relaxation is important for health
C. they are travelling fast all the time.
D. they are becoming busier with their work.
57. According to the writer, the most important character for a good manager is his ______.
A. not fearing stress           B. knowing the art of relaxation
C. high sense of responsibility    D. having control over performance
58. Which of the following statements is true?
A. We can find some ways to avoid stress.
B. Stress is always harmful to people.
C. It is easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work.
D. Different people can withstand different amount of stresss.
59. In Paragraph 3, “such a reaction” refers to ______.
A. “making a choice between ‘life or death’”
B. “reaction to stress both chemically and physically”
C. “responding to crises quickly”
D. “losing heart at the signs of difficulties”
60. What does the underlined word “flight” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A. running away                 B. flying
C. travelling by air            D. relaxing

Passage 2

  What is meant by the term “economic resources”? In general, these are all the natural, man-made, and human resources that go into the production of goods and services. This obviously covers a lot of grounds: factories and farms, tools and machines, transportation and communication facilities, all types of natural resources, and labor. Economic resources can be broken down into two general categories: property resources —— land and capital, and human resources —— labor and entrepreneurial (创业者的) skills.
  What do economists mean by land? Much more than non-economists. Land refers to all natural resources that are usable in the production process: cultivatable land, forests, mineral and oil deposits, and so on. What about capital? Capital goods are all the man-made aids to producing, storing, transporting, and distributing goods and services. It should be noted that capitals as defined here do not refer to money. Money, as such, produces nothing.
  The term “labor” refers to the physical and mental talents of humans used to produce goods or services. Thus the services of a factory worker or an office worker, a ballet dancer or an astronaut all fall under the general heading of labor.
61. In Paragraph 1, the author uses the expression “This obviously covers a lot of grounds” to indicate that ______.
A. the factories and farms discussed in the passage are very large
B. economic resources will be discussed in great depth
C. the topic of economic resources is a broad one
D. land is an important concept in economics
62. When non-economists use the term “land”, its definition ______.
A. is much more general than when economists use it
B. is much more restrictive than when economists use it
C. changes from place to place
D. indicates all types of natural resources
63. Which of the following could be considered a kind of capital goods as defined in the passage?
A. a railroad                   B. money
C. a coal deposit               D. human skills
64. The word “heading” in the last sentence is closest in meaning to ______.
A. direction                    B. practice
C. category                     D. utility
65. What is the author’s main purpose in writing this passage?
A. To explain the concept of labor.
B. To criticize certain uses of capital.
C. To contrast capital goods and consumer goods.
D. To define economic resources.
五、 单词或短语的英汉互译(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
(一) 将下列词语译成中文 (5分)
66. industrial goods
67. energy crisis
68. demand deposits
69. a price-and-market mechanism
70. premium
(二)将下列词语译成英文 (5分)
71. 劣质产品
72. 购物中心
73. 合资公司
74. 广告媒介
75. 补偿贸易
六、 英汉句子互译 (本大题共4小题,共15分)
76. The medical devices in our lab look nice. Nevertheless, some of them don’t work at all. (4分)
77. But unlike the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) is an independent organization. (4分)
78. 日本需出口制成品来支付其进口的各种原料。(4分)
79. 他们发来的货物可能不够标准。(3分)
