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2013-08-09 10:15来源:浙江自考网
1. The company has offered John the post of personnel manager with a _____ of $50,000 annually.
A. wages                           B. salary
C. income                          D. money
2. This machine is very complicated indeed. Once taken _____, it can hardly be put together again.
A. apart                           B. loose
C. separately                      D. improperly
3. The beautiful scenery of the West Lake _____ thousands of visitors to Hangzhou each year.
A. appeals                         B. attracts
C. directs                         D. catches
4. Her hard work will _____ her the respect of her fellow workers.
A. achieve                         B. require
C. earn                            D. indicate
5. While the director is away on vacation, his assistant will be _____ .
A. in charge                       B. in practice
C. in place                        D. in vain
6. House repairs, holiday and other costs _____ her bank balance to almost nothing.
A. reduced                         B. retained
C. responded                       D. rejected
7. A well-trained secretary is _____ to cope with computers and routines in the office.
A. advanced                        B. advisable
C. efficient                       D. effective
8. She accused the government of not doing enough to _____ economic growth.
A. move                            B. profit
C. promote                         D. develop
9. She is the first woman to take over the _____ of the company.
A. order                           B. process
C. outlook                         D. management
10. High interest rates _____ people from borrowing money.
A. discourage                      B. encourage
C. disgust                         D. disturb
11. It now becomes necessary to develop the United Nations into an agency with adequate authority to _____world problems.
A. get rid of                      B. knock out
C. cope with                       D. run into
12. Now that all her three children have gone _____ to work or study, Mrs. Wang live in Hongkong alone.
A. aboard                          B. abroad
C. board                           D. broad
13. The factory has _____ new methods of producing high quality washing machines.
A. adopted                         B. adapted
C. raised                          D. increased
14. I do like this new car, but I can’t _____ it. I’ve spent almost all my savings on the decoration of my house.
A. obtain                          B. apply
C. afford                          D. buy
15. Railroads have been the _____ of transportation system since the late 1800s.
A. strength                        B. backbone
C. back                            D. support
16. A great number of small power stations _____ in their county since 1949.
A. set up                          B. were set up
C. have been set up                D. were setting up
17. The city at one time _____ prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.
A. must                            B. must have been
C. should be                       D. should have been
18. _____ there for many years, she knew the place quite well.
A. Living                          B. Lived
C. To live                         D. Having lived
19. The weather _____ fine, they decided to go out for a walk.
A. is                              B. was
C. being                           D. having
20. We proposed that work _____ at once.
A. start                           B. starts
C. will start                      D. started
21. Because of air resistance there is a limit to _____ fast an object falls.
A. why                             B. how
C. when                            D. what
22. China has set up many chemical fertilizer(肥料)plants. _____ , agriculture output has rapidly increased.
A. As a result                     B. As result
C. As the result                   D. As results
23. Before we moved in the new house, we bought many _____ .
A. furnitures                      B. furniture
C. pieces of furniture             D. equipments
24. _____ the first to use nuclear weapons.
A. At no time China will be        B. At no time will be China
C. At no time will China be        D. Will at no time China be
25. My new glasses cost me _____ the last pair that I bought.
A. times three                     B. three times more as
C. three times as much as          D. as much three times as
26. No one lives in the room _____ windows are broken.
A. its                             B. which
C. whose                           D. of those
27. Mrs.Brown is said _____ for Italy last week.
A. to have left                    B. to be leaving
C. to leave                        D. to have been left
28. It was between 1920 and 1930 _____ television was invented in America.
A. when                            B. which
C. that                            D. in which
29. Should each person have to pay a certain _____ of money to the government each year?
A. number                          B. lot
C. amount                          D. much
30. “How did the audience receive the new play?”
“They got very _____ .”
A. excite                          B. excited
C. excitedly                       D. exciting
二、改错 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
下面句子中有 A,B,C,D四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。
Authors of technical books explain their ideas in two ways: words and illustrations.
In a technical book the illustrations are  41  with the text.  42  is required that the reader go back and forth from the words to the picture  43  the point is clear.
This is different from the way that illustrations are usually used in magazines and newspapers; you are not expected to sit and study each photograph in the newspaper. On the  44  it is necessary that the reader  45  up ideas with illustrations in technical books. Many times it is easier to understand an idea or the description of a process, through  46  a picture.  47  you miss an illustration you won’t be able to understand the related part of the text. Thus you will be
  48  a valuable source of information, one that the author is  49  to help you understand important  50 .
Tables,  51  are used to present comparisons, are the most common form of illustration in technical books. Information is given in vertical columns under headings. Usually the units of measurement are  52  in the heading. Diagrams, which are used to introduce broad distinctions, are another  53  of illustrations. They are not used in  54  ways as tables. We suggest that you should study the illustrations carefully  55  it is a table or a diagram.
41. A. on hand       B. side by side      C. in line           D. in contrast
42. A. He         B. This              C. What              D. It
43. A. after         B. if             C. once              D. until
44. A. contrary      B. whole          C. average           D. instant
45. A. match         B. matches           C. will match            D. must match
46. A. drawing       B. explaining            C. looking at            D. painting
47. A. Before            B. So             C. Unless         D. If
48. A. losing            B. using             C. getting           D. providing
49. A. making out        B. picking up            C. giving in         D. counting on
50. A. points            B. illustration      C. books          D. processes
51. A. which         B. that              C. what              D. who
52. A. given         B. explained         C. described         D. studied
53. A. one           B. unit              C. picture           D. type
54. A. all           B. the same          C. the kind          D. different
55. A. though            B. which          C. so             D. whether

Passage 1

A recent seminar(研讨会) in Budapest on the management of time in business concluded that senior managers are not always using their working time efficiently. Managers know that they can replace old equipment and that people who leave a company can be replaced. But lost time can never be replaced. So managers must learn to manage time more carefully.
One speaker at the three-day seminar, Dr. Jaroslav Lentzer of the Prague-based International Management Forum, claimed that some companies were spending over 40% of their time on tasks which were unnecessary or which could be completed in less time. He gave the example of one company in the service industry where office staff spent over half the working day exchanging news with each other or at “meeting” which had no practical purpose.
“Time”, said Dr. Lentzer, “is one of the most important resources a manager has. Most companies know what time their workers arrive in the morning and go home at night. But very few companies know how much time their employees spend on useful work.”
He told delegates that effective time management must begin with a study of how a manager uses his or her time at the moment. He gave the example of a Canadian bank which issues each manager with a logbook (工作日志) where they record daily activities. Managers are told to write down everything they do during the working day, including seemingly small tasks like taking phone messages for colleagues. Managers do this for a four-week period. Then the completed logbook is sent to a time management consultant who carefully examines the information. This helps the bank to decide how effectively each manager is using his time.
56. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Time is Money.                  B. Time Management
C. How to Make Time                D. Lost Time Never Return
57. Dr.Jaroslav Lentzer is probably _____.
A. an expert on time management    B. a business manager
C. a government official           D. a bank manager
58. According to Dr.Jaroslav Lentzer, the staff of the company in the service industry _____.
A. were all very lazy
B. were spending too much time talking to each other
C. were not good at organizing meetings
D. were wasting 40% of their working hours
59. If you are a manager, you are advised to _____.
A. make sure your employees are not late for work
B. become familiar with staff members
C. know the amount of time your employees spend on useful work
D. dismiss the employees who do not use time efficiently
60. The managers in a Canadian bank are asked to _____.
A. write down everything they do during the working day for a four-week period
B. take messages for their colleagues
C. make use of their time at work
D. carefully examine how employees use their time

Passage 2

Insurance is the sharing of risks. Nearly everyone is exposed to risk of some sort. The house owner, for example, knows that his property can be damaged by fire; the ship-owner knows that his vessel may be lost at sea; the breadwinner knows that he may die at an early age and leave his family poorer. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire nor every vessel lost at sea. If these persons each put a small sum into a pool, there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer loss. In other words, the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the many. This is the basis of insurance. Those who pay the contribution are known as insured and those who administer the pool of contributions as insurers.
The legal basis of all insurance is the policy, which is a printed form of contract on the paper of the best quality. It states that in return for the regular payment by the insured of a named sum of money, called the premium which is usually paid every year, the insurer will pay a sum of money or compensation for loss, if the risk or event insured against actually happens.
The premium for an insurance naturally depends upon how likely the risk is to happen, as suggested by past experience. If companies fix their premiums too high, there will be more competition in their branch of insurance and they may lose business. On the other hand, if they make the premium too low, they will lose money and may even have to drop out of business. So the ordinary forces of supply and demand keep premiums at a level satisfactory to both the insurer and the insured.
61. According to the writer, insurance is possible because _____.
A. only a small proportion of the insured suffer loss
B. only insured people suffer loss
C. nearly everyone suffers loss
D. everyone at some time suffers loss
62. By “the pool of contributions” the writer means _____.
A. the cost of administering insurance
B. the amount of each premium
C. money paid by the insurers
D. money paid by the insured
63. A policy is _____.
A. a legal agreement               B. a check to be cashed at the bank
C. money paid by the insured       D. a particular kind of insurance
64. Insurance premiums do not become too high because _____.
A. not many people suffer loss
B. they are fixed according to how likely the risk of loss is to happen
C. not many people insure themselves
D. insurance companies compete with each other
65. According to the writer, insurance is _____.
A. useful but too risky            B. useful and necessary
C. costly but worth buying         D. cheap but not necessary
五、 单词或短语的英汉互译(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
(一) 将下列词语译成中文 (5分)
66. a mechanized production line
67. state-owned companies
68. savings account
69. viewer demographics
70. primitive accumulation of capital
(二)将下列词语译成英文 (5分)
71. 赤字
72. 公共交通
73. 供求机制
74. 完全自由贸易
75. 总产量
六、 英汉句子互译 (本大题共4小题,共15分)
76. Britain was the first highly industrialized country and for a long time led the world in industrial production. (4分)
77. Most of the leading English economists stressed the virtues of limiting government intervention in economic life so that the market could bring benefits to society at large. (4分)
78. 保险公司补偿了我方货物的损失。(4分)
79. 经理们正在讨论提高产品质量的方法。(3分)
