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    1. My husband Christopher was once a financial planner.Even though he couldn’t

    balance our budget,his clients trusted him completely and he made them feel

    secure.In exchange they paid him very well.We had a nice life then.At that time,my

    yoga studio(瑜伽馆)was just starting to make a profit,and I had recently decorated

    it.At last,I was in control of my working life and poured my heart and soul into

    making it succeed.

    When we first met,I fell hard for Christopher right away,although I wouldn’t call

    it love.I’d never been with a man who was prettier than I was,but after a while I

    got used to this,and it didn’t bother me so much.I was recovering from a broken

    heart and needed something to help me move on.If it wasn’t love,it was good

    enough,and when he asked me to marry him I jumped at the chance,knowing that it

    might be my last.

    Things started out so well.I was working steadily and Christopher was patiently

    climbing up the ladder in his department.Then,without any warning,one gray winter

    afternoon in year five,he just upped and left his desk at the bank,handed in his

    resignation,and came home and told me he wanted to start an interior design


    He has always loved mixing and matching,and has a real eye for color,texture,and

    shape,but the idea of turning a hobby into a business wasn’t something we had ever

    discussed.I thought the stress of his job was becoming too much and perhaps he would

    take a few months off over the spring and summer to relax and get the idea out of

    his system.I didn’t believe he could be serious.But once he had a few clients,he

    began to draw up plans,ordering catalogues and turning our empty workshop into a

    kind of makeshift studio with all of his sketches pinned to the wall.After spending

    a lot of time and money on all of this preparation,and really doing quite a nice

    job of it,he called each client in turn and apologized,saying he wouldn’t be able

    to design their living spaces after all. http://bbs.zikao5.com 自考资料,自考白皮书

    (1). As a financial planner,Christopher.

    (A). paid his clients very well

    (B). was trusted by his clients

    (C). was making his yoga studio profitable

    (D). could make his family’s budget balanced


    (2). The woman in the passage.

    (A). fell in love with Christopher at first sight

    (B). managed a yoga studio with her husband

    (C). felt really uncomfortable with a smart man

    (D). married Christopher because of a broken heart


    (3). His wife thought Christopher suddenly quit his job because he.

    (A). couldn’t wait to get promoted

    (B). had experience in interior design

    (C). wanted to do something he enjoyed

    (D). couldn’t bear the pressure from his job


    (4). The womanher husband’s decision.

    (A). was supportive of

    (B). was indifferent to

    (C). was satisfied with

    (D). was negative about


    (5). It can be inferred from the last paragraph that Christopher.

    (A). was more likely to change his mind

    (B). would return to his office in the bank

    (C). made a big success in interior design

    (D). was not wellprepared for his business


    2. In a quiet,darkened lecture room,you begin a frustrating fight against

    fatigue.The overhead projector hums,and you cannot concentrate on the slides.You

    stop absorbing information and become absentminded.The professor lost you a long

    time ago.You are bored.

    Virtually everyone gets bored once in a while.Most of us chalk it up to a dull

    environment.“The most common way to define boredom in Western culture is ‘having

    nothing to do,’”says psychologist Stephen Vodanovich of the University of West

    Florida.And indeed,early research into the effects of boredom focused on people

    forced to perform dull tasks,such as working a factory assembly line.

    But boredom is not merely an natural property of the circumstances,researchers

    say.Rather this perception is subjective and rooted in aspects of

    consciousness.Levels of boredom vary among people:some individuals are far less

    liable to boredom than others—and some,such as extroverts(性格外向者),are more

    likely to have this feeling.

    Thus,a new generation of scientists is coping with the psychological

    interpretations of this most tedious of human emotions—and they have found that it

    is more complicated than is commonly known.Researchers say that boredom is not a

    unified concept but rather comes in several flavors.Level of attention,an aspect of

    conscious awareness,plays an important role in boredom,such that improving a

    person’s ability to focus may therefore decrease boredom.Emotional factors can also

    contribute to boredom.People who are poor in understanding their own feelings and

    those who become sucked in and distracted by their moods are more easily bored,for


    Staying away from tedium is not easy.People who are liable to boredom are more

    likely to suffer from ills such as depression and drug addiction;they also tend to

    be socially awkward and poor performers at school or work.

    (1). The purpose of the first paragraph is to.

    (A). illustrate why people are less able to focus

    (B). show how boring a lecture in a dark room is

    (C). tell people how fatigue affects concentration

    (D). describe a situation where people can get bored


    (2). It can be concluded from Para.2 that.

    (A). doing nothing leads people to get bored easily

    (B). western people pay little attention to boredom

    (C). boredom only affects the assembly line worker

    (D). people are liable to get bored in a dull situation


    (3). Researchers hold that boredom results from.

    (A). natural surroundings

    (B). various kinds of factors

    (C). sensitive personalities

    (D). subjective perceptions


    (4). Improvement of people’s ability to focus may.

    (A). affect their moods

    (B). distract their minds

    (C). reduce their boredom

    (D). increase their depression


    (5). The passage mainly involves.

    (A). effects of boredom on people’s life and work

    (B). various ways to conquer the feeling of boredom

    (C). studies of possible reasons why people get bored

    (D). the importance of scientific research into boredom


    3. Storytelling is one of the few human features that are truly universal across

    culture and through all of known history.Anthropologists find evidence of folktales

    everywhere in ancient cultures,written in Sanskrit,Latin,Greek,Chinese,Egyptian

    and Sumerian.People in societies of all types weave stories,from oral storytellers

    in huntergatherer tribes to the millions of writers bringing out books,television

    shows and movies.And when a characteristic behavior shows up in so many different

    societies,researchers pay attention:its roots may tell us something about our

    evolutionary past.

      To study storytelling,scientists must first define what constitutes a story,and

    that can prove tricky.Because there are so many diverse forms,scholars often define

    story structure,known as narrative,by explaining what it is not.Exposition

    contrasts with narrative by being a simple,straightforward explanation,such as a

    list of facts or an encyclopedia entry.Another standard approach defines narrative

    as a series of causally linked events that unfold over time.A third definition draws

    on the typical narrative’s subject matter:the interactions of intentional

    agents—characters with minds—who possess various motivations.

      However narrative is defined,people know it when they feel it.Whether fiction or

    nonfiction,a narrative engages its audience through psychological

    realism—recognizable emotions and believable interactions among characters.

     “Everyone has a natural detector for psychological realism,”says Raymond

    A.Mar,assistant professor of psychology at York University in Toronto.“We can tell

    when something rings false.”But the best stories—those retold through generations

    and translated into other languages—do more than simply present a believable

    picture.These tales attract their audience,whose emotions can be closely tied to

    those of the story’s characters.Such immersion(沉浸)is a state psychologists

    call“narrative transport”.Researchers have only begun figuring out the relations

    among the variables that can initiate narrative transport.

    (1). The passage indicates that storytelling.

    (A). is becoming less and less popular in modern societies

    (B). attracts researchers’attention all through human history

    (C). is the best way to show the evolutionary past of human beings

    (D). is a common cultural phenomenon all through the known history


    (2). The phrase“a characteristic behavior”in Para.1 refers to.

    (A). telling stories

    (B). writing books

    (C). studying folktales

    (D). producing movies


    (3). Exposition is characterized by.

    (A). believable pictures

    (B). diverse subject matters

    (C). a simple and direct explanation

    (D). a number of causally linked events


    http://bbs.zikao5.com 自考资料,自考白皮书

    (4). How many approaches are mentioned to define a narrative?

    (A). One.

    (B). Two.

    (C). Three.

    (D). Four.


    (5). The best stories attract their audience because they.

    (A). present a believable picture

    (B). express the audience’s emotions

    (C). are translated into other languages

    (D). are retold from generation to generation


    四、Word Spelling(10 points,1 point for two words)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每


    1. 能力,能耐n.a_ _ _ _ _ _


    2. 吹嘘,自夸v.b_ _ _ _


    3. 取消,删除v.c_ _ _ _ _


    4. 危险的,不安全的a.d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    5. 过多的,过分的a.e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    6. 设备;便利n.f_ _ _ _ _ _ _


    7. 喂草,放牧v.g_ _ _ _


    8. 几乎不,几乎没有ad.h_ _ _ _ _


    9. 包括,包含v.i_ _ _ _ _ _


    10. 律师n.l_ _ _ _ _


    11. 较大的,主要的a.m_ _ _ _


    12. 国家的,民族的a.n_ _ _ _ _ _ _


    13. 操作,经营n.o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    14. 透入,渗入v.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    15. 拒绝,谢绝v.r_ _ _ _ _


    16. 幸存,存活n.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _


    17. 技术员n.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    18. 在楼上,往楼上ad.u_ _ _ _ _ _ _


    19. 老兵,老手n.v_ _ _ _ _ _


    20. 获胜者,优胜者n.w_ _ _ _ _













