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    山东自学考试-2020 年 10 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语( 二 ) 试卷

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    2020  10 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试

    英语(  ) 试卷 (课程代码 00015)

    第一部分:阅读判断(第 1~10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)

    下面的短文后列出了 10 个句子, 请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的 是正确信息,选择 A ;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择 B ;如果该句的信息文中没有提 及,选择 C。

    Booking Online and Saving the Environment

    When you are looking to book a holiday, it is unlikely that you will think about how green your booking decision is, but it is something that you should think about. By“green”we mean the pact on the environment.

    When looking to book a holiday, you will probably find that you are faced with two main decisions. The first is togo into a travel agency, pickup brochures(宣传册)read through them and go back with just one and book with the travel agents directly or over the phone. The second is to goonto the Internet

    The Internet holds many advantages over the travel agencies. The main one is convenience. You can go online to look at holidays at anytime of the day. The travel agents, however, are usually very busy at times when people can actually go, i.e. lunch hours or at the weekend. You could use the telephone, but you wouldn’t be able to see the pictures or the details of the holidays, so you would probably be sent a brochure anyway.

    There are websites on the Internet that make shopping for holiday deals much easier. These websites are known as  price comparison websites. They search through lots of different tour operators, and the results are displayed on one page, from which you can choose.

    Compared with the travel agencies, booking online is greener. The piles of brochures are  definitely not green, and the amount of unnecessary paper used can’t be good for the environment. In the days of the Internet, there is really no need for such a large amount of paper to be wasted. So booking online will not only save you time and effort, it will do a little bit towards saving the  environment, too!

    1. When planning holidays, few people will think about being green.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    2. There are two main choices when people look to book their holidays.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    3. People goto travel agencies and make their decisions directly.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    4. The main advantage of booking online is saving money.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    5. Many people goto travel agencies at lunchtime.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    6. Booking holidays by telephone requires less communicative skills.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    7. There are limited choices at price comparison websites.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    8.Travel agencies make the best use of price comparison websites.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    9. Travelers collect brochures as a hobby.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    10. Booking online is away to save the environment.

    A. True               B. False             C. Not Given

    第二部分:阅读选择(第 11~15 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)

    阅读下面短文, 请从短文后所给各题的 4 个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出 1 个最佳选项。

    Urban Gardening

    Urban gardening refers to the practice of planting a garden c the city. Apartments, town homes, and other areas with little or no  land are  being  used for gardening. This method  of gardening is becoming more common as the amounts of land for gardening in cities is becoming smaller and smaller.

    Containers, hanging baskets and raised beds are examples of items people use to create a garden in a confined space. Some cities also offer a shared community garden for people who have no room to grow plants at home.

    Many types of plants can be gow in containers and baskets. Tomatoes and peppers, for instance, can grow in containers on windowsills(窗台).Plants grown on a windowsill should usually receive at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily. Herbs are often grown in containers or baskets in the kitchen. They do not require much space and can be handy f cooking.

    People who want to grow more plants may use raised beds which are usually made of wood pieces and filled with amixture of soil and fertilizers. They can be built on top of any hard surface, including roof tops. People like them because the beds often cost much less than most other methods of gardening.

    Community gardening could bean option for anyone who does not have space for a garden at home. Most cities that offer this will rent a small plot and to someone for a fee, or allow them to use it free of charge. Instead of dividing the and into separate plots, some cities allow everyone in the neighborhood to share and work on the same land. This method could be beneficial for people in the neighborhood who share the passion for growing things.

    11. Urban gardening came into being as a result of                  .

    A. the lack of land for gardening                        B. new technology

    C. government encouragement                          D. the increasing population

    12. The word “confined” (Para. 2) means                  .

    A. open           B. empty        C. limited         D. occupied

    13. Plants grown on windowsills require a lot of                  .

    A. water         B. space             C. soil             D. sunlight

    14. Raised beds are popular because they                 .

    A. are efficient           B. are cheap         C. last long          D. contain fertilizers

    15. Community gardening is beneficial because it                 .

    A. saves more land                           B. requires less work

    C. increases output                        D. connects people

    第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(第 16~25 题,每题 l 分,共 10 分)

    阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的 2 项测试任务:(1)从第 l6~20 题后所给的 6 个选项中 为第 1~5 段每段选择 1 个正确的小标题; (2)从第 21~25 题后所给的 6 个选项中选择 5 个 正确选项, 分别完成每个句子。

    My Science Teacher

    ❶Usually when people decide to be teachers, they goto college, get a degree, and find a job at a school. They prepare lesson plans, give out homework, and makeup tests. To them, it is just a job, away to make a living. But for my science teacher, Mrs. Cook teaching is not just her job; it's who she is. She teaches through her heart.

    ❷She has so much enthusiasm in her lessons. She is the one who goes out late at night to buy 10 pounds of sugar for our experiments. She brings in water, from the nearby canal to make her point, and to make us remember the lesson. She makes us think that each new fact could change our lives.

    ❸ Mrs. Cook wants all of us to dowell in school. She tries to reach each student. She neither ignores the sleeping kid  in the back, nor lets the problem students alone. She shows special concern to slow students, and often helps them after school. None of us can slip away from her attention.

    ❹ Middle school is probably one of the hardest times of our lives. We change friends so often, and fight with our parents constantly. But Mrs. Cook has made this year so much better for us than it could have been. we know that if we had to turn to anybody, it would be her. And I'm not alone in feeling this way; she is a role model for our whole class.

    ❺Science had never been my favorite subject. I had never borrowed science books. I had never performed experiments in my home. But this year, it's the science class that I don't mind waking up for, the test I don't mind taking. I have Mrs. Cook to thank for that. She has taught us so much more than just a single subject.








    21. To become a schoolteacher, one needs                 22. Mrs. Cook often goes out to collect                 

    23. Mrs. Cook offers slow students extra help                  24. Our whole class take Mrs. Cook as                 

    25. I am lucky to have Mrs. Cook as                  

    第四部分:填句补文(第 26~30 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)

    下面的短文有 5 处空自, 短文后有 6 个句子, 其中 5 个取自短文, 请根据短文内容将其分别 放回原有位置, 以恢复文章原貌,请将正确选项的字母写在答题卡上。

    Lack of Sleep Is Dangerous

    Do you know that if you miss out too much sleep you will die? It's true! If you stay awake for a long, longtime, your brain and body will breakdown.

    The unofficial world record for staying awake is 11 days, and it's held by Randy Gardner. 26.          He also had help from TV and radio reporters, asleep researcher and a doctor.

    What happened?   27.          Then his brain started to lose sense. On day 4, he thought a street sign was really a person. On day 6, he began to speak very slowly. On day 9, he couldn’t finish sentences. On ty 10, Randy thought he saw a forest in the next room.    28.           Eventually, after he’d broken the world record, Randy was told togo to sleep. Experiments that keep people awake for dangerously long periods are always stopped before the patients breakdown.

    Rats, however, aren’tso well cared for. 29.          That’s sooner than if they'd been allowed to  sleep but were given no food. They get really thin. But that’s not because se they stop eating —  quite the opposite. Even though these rats are eating food, their bodies can't process it in the  normal way. On top of that, their little bodies lose more heat than normal, which makes them weak. This means that they need more food to stay at a healthy temperature. 30.         

    And that's what lack of sleep does for you.

    A. In fact, he went a bit crazy.

    B. Normally rats wouldn't catch a cold

    C. Towards the end, the health of these rats is failing.

    D. When kept from sleeping, they die within three weeks.

    E. Randy asked two of his friends to stop him falling asleep.   F. First of all, staying awake long made Randy bad-tempered.


    第五部分:填词补文(第 31~40 题,每题 1.5 分,  15 分)

    下面的短文有 l0 处空白, 短文后列出 12 个词, 其中 10 个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其 分别放回原有位置, 以恢复文章原貌,请将正确选项的字母写在答题卡上。

    Talking Counts

    Most words in a child's vocabulary come from everyday encounters with language. Children 31.          up language from books, media, and conversations.

    You can increase your child's vocabulary and 32.          knowledge by having conversations with them. With babies, you can talk to them about what you're doing so they can begin to 33.          words with concepts. As your baby begins to speak, start asking, “What's that?” when 34.          to objects or pictures. Elaborate on their 35.          answers as away to have them listening to more words. “Yes, that is a banana! It's 36.           and smooth.”

    With young children, you can talk about the things you see in your 37.          on trips around town, or on television. These conversations help build a child's 38.           of his world When reading, pause to ask questions on the story. Ask, “Why do you think he did that? or “What do you think going to happen 39.          ? Tell your children stories from your own life, or about the day they were 40.          . This helps develop their personal and cultural identity.

    A. link

    B. simple

    C. secondly

    D. neighborhood

    E. yellow

    F. build

    G. understanding H. pointing

    I. pick

    J. born

    K. background L. next

    第六部分: 完形补文(第 41~50 题,每题 1.5 分, 共 15 分)

    下面的短文有 10 处空白, 每处空白后的括号内有一个词, 请根据短文内容将其正确的形式 填入文中, 以恢复文章原貌。

    Water Shortage

    Getting water seems (seem) so easy for many people. You will be 41.          (mistake) if you think there is an 42.           (end) supply of water. In fact, the world has a water shortage. Seventy percent of the world is 43.           (cover) in water. But most of it is saltwater. Only a small 44.          (percent) is fresh drinking water. Countries 45.          (include) Spain, Italy, and South Africa import water from countries such as the United States and Australia. 46.           (surprising), 1.1 billion people on earth have difficulty 47.          (get) clean drinking water. This global problem is predicted to get 48.   (bad) as the atmosphere becomes warmer.

    Every person in Britain 49.          (use) about 150 liters of water a day. In some countries people only have 5 to 10 liters a day! They would be 50.           (shock)to learn how we waste drinking water.

    第七部分:短文写作(第 51 题, 30 分)

    请根据所提供材料中的要求完成一篇 100 词左右的英文写作任务。将你的答案写在题末空 白处。

    51.某英文报社正在举办题为“An Unforgettable Holiday ” 的征文活动。请就此题目写一篇 英文短文应征, 内容包括: 1.哪一个假期令你难忘;2.为什么令你难忘




    1 、 A, Few people will think about being green.对应文章中的 is unlikely that..,  所以正确。

    2 、A, Two main choices when people look to their holiday.对应文章中的 two choices; travel agencies 和 internet,所以正确。

    3 、C, People goto travel agencies and make their decisions directly. Travel agencies  只是主要出 行的选择之一 ,但文章并没有提及问题, 所以未提及。

    4 、B, The main advantage of holiday online is convenience 而不是 saving money,  所以错误。

    5 、 C, People goto travel agencies at lunchtime.  文章只是说, 一般人们去找 travel agencies,他 们都很忙,比如  lunchtime  or weekend. 而并未明确说明 people  go  to  travel  agencies  at lunchtime.所以未提及。

    6 、C, Booking holiday by telephone requires less communicative skills.文章只是 说电话预定会 看不到图片或细节, 并未提及 communicative skill,,所以 C 未提及。

    7 、B, There are lots of  而不是 limited choices at price comparison website,所以 错误。

    8 、 C, Travel agencies make the best use of price comparison website.文中并未提 及两者的关 系,所以未提及。

    9 、 C, Travelers collect brochures as a hobby.文中并未提及。

    10 、A, Booking online is away to save the environment。正确,与本文标题和主题相呼应, 所 以正确。


    1 、A, Urban gardening came into being as a result of  【the lack of land for gardening】

    2 、C,The word“ confined" means【limited】

    3 、D, Plants grown on windowsills require a lot of  【sunlight】

    4 、B, Raised beds are popular because they[【are cheap】

    5 、D, Community gardening is beneficial because it 【connects people】

    三、 概括段落大意和补全句子

    1、段落 1:F, Teaching is more than a job for Mrs. Cook

    2、段落 2:E, Mrs. Cook's lessons are well-prepared.

    3 、 段落 3:C, Mrs. Cook cares about each student.

    4、段落 4:A, Mrs. Cook makes our school life easier

    5、段落 5:B, I enjoy science class now.

    6 、E, To become a schoolteacher, one needs 【  acollege degree】

    7 、F, Mrs. Cook often goes out to collect[teaching materials】

    8 、C, Mrs. Cook offers slow students extra help[after school】

    9 、D, Our whole class take Mrs. Cook as  【  arole model】

    10 、 B, I am lucky to have Mrs. Cook as【my teacher】

    四、 填句补文

    E F A D C

    五、 填词补文

    I F A H B E D G L J


    1. mistaken                   2. endless                3. covered             4. percentage          5. including

    6.Surprisingly            7. getting                      8. worse             9. uses         10. shocked

    七、 短文写作











