61. The Church of England is not free to change its form of worship, as laid down in______without the consent of parliament.
A. the Bill of Rights
B. the Provisions of Oxford
C. the Constitutions of Clarendon
D. the Book of Common Prayer
62. The position of the Church of Scotland was defined in the Treaty of Union,1707,and furthersafeguarded by the Church of Scotland Act.
63. Easter is traditionally associated with the following except______.
A. the resurrection of Christ
B. the eating of Easter eggs
C. the customs of giving presents
D. the coming of spring
64. There are some______universities in Britain, including the Open University.
A. 70 B. 80 C. 90 D. 100
65. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the______centuries.
A.l2th and 13th B. 13th and 14th C. 14th and 15th D. 15th and 16th
66. Over______science parks have been set up by higher education institutions in conjunction with industrial scientists and technologists.
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40
67. With about______daily and Sunday newspapers published nationwide,the British public reads more newspapers than virtually any other country in the world.
A. 110 B. 120 C. 130 D. 140
68. The BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide, using English and______other languages.
A. 37 B. 38 C. 39 D. 40
69. In summer there arte open-air theaters,including one in London's Regent's Park,where_______are performed,and the Minack Theater,which is an open Cliffside near Land's End in Cornwall.
A. William Shakespeare's plays
B. Christopher Marlow's plays
C. Ben Johnson's plays
D. George Bernard Shaw's plays
70. Pantomime is a kind of play based on a traditional fairy tale and performed_______.
A. at Easter
B. on New Year's Day
C. on St. Patrick‘s Day
D. at Christmas Eve

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