71. In_______each year the National Film Theater hosts the London Film Festival,at which some 250 new films from all over the world are screened.
A. September B. October C.November D. December
72. Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Drama takes place for a period of 3 to 4 weeks between_______ when Edinburgh becomes a center of cultural activity.
A July and August
B. August and September
C. September and October
D. October and November
73. Ireland is called the Emerald because of_______.
A. its shape
B. its connection with Britain
C. its abundant natural resources
D.its rich green countryside
74. Ireland is divided into two political parts:_________.
A. Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland
B. Southern Ireland the Republic of Ireland
C. The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
D. Northern Ireland and Britain
75. The largest river in Ireland is_______.
A. the Liffey River B. the Dodder rover C. the Shannon River D. the Lough River
76. The most significant feature of Irish landscape is______,which provides peat used for fuel.
A.bogs B. streams C. islands D. cliffs
77. Ireland is unique among European countries for_______.
A. its small population B. its beautiful scenery
C. its rich natural resources D. its century-long population emigration
78. The population decreased from 1840s until about 1970, largely because of_______.
A. a low birth rate B. a high death rate
C. a low employment rate D. a high emigration rate
79. The population of Ireland is predominantly of______origin.
A. English B. Celtic C. Norman D. French
80. Irish nationalism climaxed in________in which an Irish Republic was proclaimed.
A. the massacre of Drogheda B. the Easter Uprising of 1916
C. the battle of Borne (1690) D. the Chartist Movement

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