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2013-05-21 08:45来源:浙江自考网
  the average person:般人
  make profit:盈利;赚钱
  as far as sth. Is concerned:就…而言
  on average:平均   last for ever:一直用下去
  look after=take care of:照看;照料
  once in a lifetime:一辈子一次的,难得的
  persuade sb to do sth:劝说某人做某事
  persuade sb out of sth/doing sth:劝说某人不要做某事
  throw away:丢弃
  lead to:导致
  trade in sth for sth else:以一物换取另一物
  out of fashion:过时
  in fashion:流行
  get into trouble:陷入困境
  be at work:在起作用
  go down:(物价)下降,下跌  
  in the meanwhile:在此期间
  in limited quantities:有限的数量
  go into sth:加入:开始做
  strive to do sth:努力做某事
  protect …from…:使…免受…的伤害
  be harmful to sth:对…有害
  first of all:首先
  be composed of:由…组成,构成
  be labled as…:贴上…标签
  be on guard:警惕
  take sth for granted:认为某事当然,想当然  
  in the order of:依…次序  
  trick sb into doing sth:诱使某人做某事  
  suffer from sth:遭受(疾病、灾难等)  
  as a result of:由于  
  under pressure:处于压力之下
  warn sb of(against)sth:警告、告诫
  drive sb to suicide:逼得某人自杀
  point out:指出
  run away from:逃离
  move house:搬家
  fall ill:生病
  in times of…:在…时候
  take up:从事;开始做…
  to tail after a man:尾随某人
  be in good(poor)health:健康情况好(差)  
  commit a crime:犯罪
  as with…:如同…那样
  lose one‘s lead:失去领先地位  
  change hands:转手、易手
  be designed to:目的是  
  add to:提高、增加
  do away with:消灭、消除
  check out:付账后离开  
  protection against the cold:御寒
  in many different climates:在不同的气候条件下
  spin sth into yarn:把…纺成纱
  guard a secret:保守秘密
  be known as:被称为
  by no means:决不
  by means of…:用…、依靠…
  go as high as…percentage:高达…的百分比
  arrange for sb to do sth:安排某人做某事
  take a train:乘火车
  hold on to:抓住…不放
  enter into business:开始经商
  according to…:根据…
  in general:一般地、大体上
  get used to…=become accustomed to…:习惯于…
  complain about:抱怨
  apply to:适用于  
  get along with…:与…相处
  at least:至少
  deal in sth:经营…
  slow down:减速  
  provide sb with sth:为某人提供某物
  be in use:正在使用中
  place of historical interest:名胜古迹  
  get around:各处旅行
  come to the conclusion that…:得到的结论是…
  be chartered for sth:被租来做某事
  have (no)trouble/difficulty in doing sth: 做某事有困难  
  be superior to:比…优越
  mix with:与…混合  
  combine with:与…化合
  on earth:在世间
  use up:用完
  an aid to sth:对…有所帮助  
  inform sb of sth:通知某人某事
  go beyond:超越
  create a desire for…:激发对…的需求
  take advantage of:利用…;占便宜
  at this point:此时此刻
  for emotional motives:出于情感
  compete with(against)sb for sth:为了得到某物而与某人竞争
  remain in one‘s mind:记在心里
  get the attention of:吸引…的注意
  get down to do sth:开始认真做某事
  have advantage in doing sth:做…有好处
  prefer to do sth rather than do sth:愿意做…而不愿做…
  to be limited by:受限于…
  to confine…to…:把…局限于…  
  in a position to do:能够做…
  have a effect on:对…有影响,有作用
  be aimed at:以…为目的
  relate to:与…有关
  associate with:与…联系在一起
  be subject to:受…的控制
  in a search for…=in search of:寻找、寻求
  lead up:引入…
  in addition to…:除…之外
  couple with:与…相结合
  add to:增加
  trace to:追溯到…
  engage in sth:从事…
  be in operation:正在运转
  come into operation:实施、生效
  at large:普遍地
  be inclined to:倾向于…;赞同…
  in effect:实质上
  to be pessimistic about:对…感到悲观
  step in…:介入…
  make…possible to:使…成为可能
  by contrast:相比之下
  break into:闯入  
  come across:路上偶遇某人
  pull though:使康复
  settle up:清偿,还清债务
  make up for:弥补,补偿
  put up with:忍受,容忍
  bestowed by:…赐予的
  be obliged to:不得不
  in terms of:在…方面
  specialize in:专门从事…
  merge with:于…联合,结合
  appeal to:呼吁
  be exposed to:使遭受、面对
  take in:接收,吸收
  prior to:从前的
  occasioned by:由…造成的
  be sufficient to:足以…
  to be pivotal in:起着关键作用
  take…into account:考虑到…
  in a swarm:成群,大批
  be aware of:知晓
  come up against:面对…的困难
  be ascribed to:归结于
  in excess of:超过
  keep pace with:与…并驾齐驱
  in the aggregate:总计
  be paired with:与…配对
  out of harmony with:与…不协调
  yearned for:渴望,向往
  be charmed with:被…迷住
  in consequence:因此
  invest in:在…上投资
  be reference to:作为…的参考
  risk doing sth:做某事是有风险的
  attempt at doing sth:企图做某事
  take sth apart:拆开,拆散
  leave of:停止
  must have done:表示对过去的推测
  piggy-back service:背负式运输服务
  vary with sth:随…而变化
  held out:提出,主张
  anything but:决不是
  nothing but:只不过,仅仅是


