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2013-08-14 08:34来源:浙江自考网
第一部分  选择题(共50分)
 () 词汇和语法(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20)
1.Flight nineteen from New York and Washington is now arriving at _____.
  A. the two gate             B. gate two
  C. the gate two             D. second gate
2.Since 1971 there have been two _____ in this city.
  A. woman mayors              B. woman mayor
  C. women mayor               D. women mayors
3.It rains _____ in Shanghai _____ in Beijing.
  A. as often; than                   B. more often; than
  C. as oftener; as                    D. much often; as
4.It _____ for two days and the field were all under water.
  A. rained                B. had been raining
  C. was raining             D. would have rained
5.A new type of computer is going to _____ next year.
  A. turn out              B. being turned out
  C. have turned out         D. turned out
6.Having the highest marks in his class,_____.
  A. the college offered him a scholarship
  B. a scholarship was offered him by the college
  C. he was offered a scholarship by the college
  D. a college scholarship was offered to him
7.He _____ in London by eleven o’clock, but he started too late.
  A. should be               B. must have been
  C. ought to have been          D. might have been
8.If you _____ that late movie last night, you wouldn’t be sleepy now.
  A. hadn’t watched            B. didn’t watch
  C. haven’t watched           D. wouldn’t have watched
9.It is because English is useful _____.
  A. why we study it hard          B. which we study hard
  C. what we study hard                   D .that we study it hard
10.We do not believe their nice words _____ intimidated by their bluster.
  A. so aren’t we             B. neither we are
  C. we are not                      D. nor are we
11.There are _____ benefits in the new system.
  A. concise               B. precise
  C. tangible               D. metal
12.The time has come for the company to _____ after years of rapid expansion.
  A. consist                B. consider
  C. consolidate             D. combine
13.It is important for university to keep _____ with the changes in science and technology.
  A. step            B. stage
  C. space           D. pace
14.Critics _____ the writer with a lack of originality.
  A. criticized                          B. charged
  C. condemned                D. scolded
15.They have _____ themselves as dedicated social workers.
  A. distinguished                  B. seen
  C. defined                      D. differed
16.The plane is _____ to take off at 4.
  A. enlisted                     B. enrolled
  C. prompted                          D. scheduled
17.People will not believe a person who always _____.
  A. magnifies                  B. enlarges
  C. broadens                   D. exaggerates
18.You should sign a contract to make your job situation _____.
  A. normal             B. common
  C. regular               D. usual
19.All citizens in this nation are _____ to the law.
  A. subject               B. object
  C. exposed                    D. dependent
20.Let’s fix a _____ date for the next meeting.
  A. infinite               B. plain
  C. distinct               D. definite
    Human beings act in a different way from that of animals just because they can speak while animals cannot.___21___ the cleverest animals cannot do things which to us seem very ___22___ and which small children, as soon as they learn to talk, would be able to do.
    A German scientist, who performed experiments for many years with big apes, found that his apes could ___23___ his sticks as stools to pull down bananas which they could not reach. But they only used the stick to get a banana when both the banana and the stick were ___24___ view at the same time. If the banana was in front of them and the stick was behind them, they could not use the stick. They could not keep the banana ___25___ enough in mind to look around and then pick up the stick and use it.
    The ___26___ for this is clear. We have words for banana and stick which help us to think about these things when they are not in ___27___.Even a small child knowing the words “banana” and “stick” has an idea of their relationship and is able to think “stick” together with “banana” and to remember this long enough to pick the stick ___28___ behind and use it on the banana.
    Unable to speak, animals cannot keep their knowledge of things ___29___ long. That’s why they often interrupt one line of action to do something else and later forget it completely. Human beings, on the other hand, use ___30___ and are able to do one thing continuously.
21.A.If                B. Even         C. Though             D. When
22.A.honest             B. foolish          C. simple               D. evident
23.A.take               B. hold           C. regard               D. use
24.A.in                B. beyond       C. for                  D. with
25.A.close              B. alive           C. long                D. complete
26.A.reason             B. answer         C. truth                 D. thought
27.A.mind             B. thought         C. sight                 D. brain
28.A.in                B. at             C. around              D. from
29.A.before             B. for            C. after                        D. since
30.A.knowledge         B. language        C. mind               D. memory
Passage 1
  There is, perhaps, no other sport in the world quite so exciting as skiing. For those watching, it is a top beauty nothing else can match. For skiers, it is a wonderful personal experience, and a thrilling test of mind, muscle and nerves.
  More and more Americans are discovering this thrill for themselves. Not long ago, skiing had no part in the American sport scene. If it were thought of at all, it was purely as a European sport. Then came the 1932 Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, New York. Americans got their first good look at skiing and made for the hills. Today ski trains make regular runs from our cities to the great, white outdoors.
  In addition to joy and cheer and excitement, skiing offers something more. It is a sport less expensive and for the young, the act of skiing is often mastered in a very short time.
  The special thrill of skiing is expressed by Buddy Werner.“It’s all up to you,”he says.“No teammate can help. You’re alone. It’s against the snow, yourself. You’re a brave fighter.”
31.Americans first understood and began skiing ______.
  A. about 50 years               B. about 60 years ago
  C. not long ago                D. in 1932
32.Besides giving us amusement and pleasure, skiing has some more virtues:______.
  A. a sport cheaper and easier to learn
  B. a sport fit for both men and women
  C. a sport outside, though expensive
  D. a sport both on snow and on water
33.According to Buddy Werner, the special thrill of skiing lies in the fact that ______.
  A. nobody can help
  B. you are skiing with teammates
  C. you’re skiing on the mountains
  D. it can show you are brave
Passage 2
  Chinese audiences will see scenes of horror in a remarkable new film called Schindler’s List. In the movie, the terror of the Nazi conquest of Poland, and the murder of Europe’s Jews is captured in frightening detail. Director Steve Spielberg chose black and white film for his film biography of Oskar Schindler, the businessman who risked his own life to save Polish Jews destined for Hitler’s death camps.
  Schindler was a businessman operating in Krakow, Poland at the time of the Nazi holocaust. And he made a fortune doing it.
  Spielberg made this film to explore the potential for good that is within all people. Spielberg said,“He was in the Oskar Schindler business for a lot of his career, but something happened along the road that changed him.”Schindler saved the lives of more than a thousand Jews, by negotiating with their Nazi captors. His heroism put Schindler’s own life in great danger. Schindler himself eventually died after an unsuccessful attempt at farming in South America, but not before the state of Israel honored him for his bravery.
34.______ is the director of Schindler’s List.
  A. Oskar Schindler            B. Oskar Spielberg
  C. Steve Schindler            D. Steve Spielberg
35.Schindler died while attempting to save the lives of more than a thousand Jews. That statement is ______.
  A. not true                    B. not false
  C. hard to judge                       D. not clear
36.The state of Israel honored Schindler for his bravery ______.
  A. before his death
  B. after his death
  C. after he saved the lives of a thousand Jews or so
  D. both A and C
Passage 3
  The book is divided into four parts. The first part is the foundation for all your online activities. It introduces the reader to the basic concepts of the Internet and how to do business via the Internet. It takes both, technology and business, into consideration and does not forget to talk about the legal aspects of doing business via the Internet. Finally it explains how marketing on the Web should be done in order to be successful. Without marketing your online business will lack the visibility it requires to succeed.
  The second part talks about how e-business applications are used for Internet, Intranet or Extranet based applications. It looks at the questions from all perspectives, client software, middleware, and back-end systems. Its focus is on search engines, portals, shopping and ORM sites and last not least one chapter is dedicated to the communication possibilities via the Internet. Using this information you are prepared to go online and discover other businesses, what they offer and how they did it.
  The third part explains the technologies that are below your applications. This is done from a technical point of view as well as a business point of view, in order to show you the business cases that are viable right now. Each chapter contains a set of business cases that are evaluated and it is explained how Internet technologies help to resolve issues with the business cases or how to extend one’s business through new technology.
  The fourth part is an outlook into the future of electronic business and gets into more detail on how software and hardware will be developed in the future. The Open Source model is explained about how pervasive computing has been implemented. The last chapter of the book gives an outlook into the future on how it may happen.
  Appendix A offers a glossary of e-business terms, which were used throughout the book. In case you do not understand a certain term, have a look here. Appendix B describes how a business can be moved to the Internet and what is required to do so. It does not only list the ideas, the required hardware and software, but goes also into detail regarding the costs and the benefits. Appendix C is a short list of my favorite web sites, ordered by subject areas.
37.The passage is most probably taken from ______.
  A. an introduction to a book about e-business
  B. one part of a chapter in a book about e-business
  C. an introduction to a book about computer software
  D. one part of a chapter in a book about computer software
38.If one wants to get some information about e-business terms, he may best read ______.
  A. Part One                      B. Appendix A
  C. Appendix B                   D. Appendix C
39.If one wants to get some knowledge about how to communicate through Internet,he may best read ______.
  A. Part One                     B. Part Two
  C. Part Three                     D. Part Four
40.If one wants to get some e-business cases, he may best read ______.
  A. Part One              B. Part Two
  C. Part Three              D. Part Four
第二部分  非选择题(50)
41.贸易,商业 n.             c______
42.提议,建议 v.             p______
43.投资 n.                   i______
44.成就 n.                   a______
45.多产的 adj.               p______
46.宣传,提高,升职 v.       p______
47.卖主,卖方 n.             v______
48.垂直的;直立的 adj.       v______
49.通知;报告 v.             n______
50.战略;策略 n.             s______
51.分类;归类 v.             c______
52.基本上,根本上 adv.       b______
53.蒸发;消失 v.             e______
54.幸存;比…生命 v.         s______
55.本质,精髓,精华 n.       e______
56. business model
57. on-line order
58. customer relationship management
59. search engines
60. automatic replenishment
61. information network
62. chief technology officer
63. frequently asked questions
64. real-time communication
65. electronic bill presentment and payment
66. natural language processor
67. eProcurement
68. human resources
69. passive registration
70. market share
  Communication can be the most critical aspect of whether a change strategy will succeed or fail.(71)The degree to which information flows down through the organization can influence how well the change vision is understood and embraced. It can impact the values, behaviours and mindset of the workforce. It can either clarify or muddle a company’s organizational structure and employee roles and it can enhance or detract from the culture the leadership is trying to maintain.(72)Executives who have successfully led change efforts advocate in-person discussions and meetings as the most effective communication vehicles.
  The degree to which information is shared across the organization can impact speed and flexibility tremendously. Lateral communication and cooperation is important to building an innovative organization as it supports risk-taking and provides tools to take action.(73)Continuous innovation, a critical element of e-business strategy, is at the mercy of an organization’s communication structure.
  (74)In today’s business environment, the challenge associated with communication is not simply one of volume. Instead, it is the need to reach the target audience(both internal and external) with messages that include strategic, tactical and “WIIFM” elements. It is the need to prioritize the communications for the target audiences(so that the most important will be absorbed first),as well as the need to strike a balance between too little and too much information.(75)In the e-business environment, building a relationship with customers is critical, and this cannot be achieved without hearing their suggestions, needs and desires. To be effective for internal audiences, communication must share what is and what is not changing. Communication builds commitment, and is the key to overcoming resistance to the change.
76.你可以把不重要的细节删掉。(cut out)
77.你能确保我们订了房间吗?(make sure)
78.他宁愿辞职也不愿意参与这种欺诈的交易。(rather than)

