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2015-04-24 12:57来源:浙江自考网

1. 下面哪种对“忠实”翻译原则的阐述是正确的?
A. 译者的任务只是表达他人的意思,而不是进行创作
B. 译者的任务不是表达他人的意思,而只是进行创作
C. 译者的任务既是表达他人的意思,也是进行创作
2. 英汉语言就重复来看,有各自的特点。下面哪种说法是正确的?
A. 英语怕重复,汉语不怕重复
B. 英语代称用得少,汉语代称用得多
C. 英语实词用得多,汉语实词用得少
3. 下列哪位在翻译佛经的过程中倾向于意译,他常对原文加以改动,以适应中国的文体。
A. 摄摩腾                          B. 鸠摩罗什                      C. 唐玄奘
4. 我国一位著名的不懂外语的翻译家林纾翻译了很多作品,下面哪部作品是他没有翻译过的?
A. 《红与黑》                   B. 《鲁滨孙漂流记》        C. 《巴黎茶花女遗事》
5. When he was taken in a boat down the Grand Canal, every boat that passed sounded its siren in salutation. 翻译为汉语是
A. 他乘坐一条小船横穿大运河的时候,从旁边经过的每一条船都以鸣笛来敬礼。
B. 他乘坐一条小船沿大运河北上的时候,从旁边经过的每一条船都以敬礼的形式来鸣笛。
C. 他乘坐一条小船沿大运河南下的时候,从旁边经过的每一条船都鸣笛以示敬意。
6. Driving southward from Cario into the Nile Valley, I entered a landscape that owed little to the present era. 翻译为汉语是
A. 我从开罗驱车南行,进入了尼罗河谷。这里的景色还很少受到现代社会的影响。
B. 我驱车南行,进入了开罗的尼罗河谷。这里的景色很少见到有现代社会影响。
C. 我驱车南行,我从尼罗河谷进入了开罗。这里的景色缺少现代社会的气息。
7. A successful old age is easiest for those who have strong interests involving appropriate activities. 翻译为汉语是
A. 只有那些有浓厚兴趣参加适当活动的人,晚年才是最好过的。
B. 只有那些有浓厚兴趣参加适当活动的人,才能最容易过晚年。
C. 只有那些有浓厚兴趣参加适当活动的人,晚年才能最容易过好。
8. “下雨或阴天回戏,不响锣就不给钱,是那时的规矩”。翻译为英语是
A. The performance was cancelled by the bad weather. The rule in those days was: No show, no pay.
B. The performance cancelled for the bad weather, the rule in those days was: No show, no pay.
C. The performance would be cancelled in the days for the bad weather. While the rule in those days was: No show, no pay.
9. “合营者的注册资本如果转让必须经合营各方同意”。 翻译为英语是
A. If the joint venturers wish to assign its registered capital, must be agreed by the other parties to the venture.
B. If any of the joint venturers wish to assign its registered capital, it must be agreed by the other parties to the venture.
C. If the joint venturer wishes to assign its registered capital, it must be agreed by another parties to the venture.
10. “推动中美关系的发展,需要相互了解”。翻译为英语是
A. Mutual understanding needs to promote the development of China-U.S. relations.
B. Mutual understanding needs promote the development of China-U.S. relations.
C. Mutual understanding is needed to promote the development of China-U.S. relations.

11. 我国现存的最早佛经译本是______ 。
12. 严复在他所翻译的著作 中宣传“物竞天择,适者生存”的观点。
13. James Brindley started his self-made career in 1773 by working at mill wheels.
14. Per capita GNP has grown at an average rate of 7.6% from 1980—1992.
15. The sound of the church clock suddenly reminded the young man that he ought to leave.
译文: ______使这个年轻人突然想起他该离开上路了。
16. His air of complete self-assurance would have frightened me.
17. 从此以后,我特别注意聋哑人的特征,还从他们那里学会了一些手语
译文:Since then I have paid special attention to those who look like deaf mutes. I have learned from them some ______.
18. 建于1420年的天坛是明清两代皇帝“祭天祈谷”的地方。
译文: ______, which was built in 1420, was the place where the Emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties worshiped heaven and prayed for good harvest.
19. 中国对其大陆架和专属经济区行使主权和管辖权。
译文:China exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over its ______ and exclusive economic zones.
20. 合营企业的生产经营计划应报主管部门备案。
译文: The production and business operating plans of an equity joint venture shall be submitted to ______ for record.
21. If we can find common ground to work together, the chance for world peace is immeasurably increased.
22. The delta and the narrow Nile Valley make up only 3 percent of Egypt’s land but are home to 96 percent of her population.
23. It is no use telling grown-up children not to make mistakes because mistakes are an essential part of education.
24. Today concern for the environment extends into such area as chemical pollution.
25. The sedimentary rocks were laid down by the action of water on the bed of the ocean.
26. 五四运动是一次彻底的不妥协的反帝反封建的革命运动,是中国新民主主义革命的开端。
27. 中国的海域处在中、低纬度地带,自然环境和资源条件比较优越。
28. 过去,中国的粮食单产水平与世界粮食高产的国家相比是比较低的。
29. 三十年来我爱人和孩子们身上穿的毛衣都是我织的。
30. 中国沿海的许多岸段适合建设港口,发展海洋运输业。
31. 英译汉:将下列段落译成汉语。
For the United States, new commercial opportunities will grow most rapidly in the emerging markets. We estimate that three quarters of new export opportunities over the next twenty years—that’s an incredible $1.9 trillion in potential exports—will come in the emerging markets of Asia and Latin America. This means jobs for American workers and a higher standard of living for the American people.
32. 汉译英:将下列段落译成英语。

